Hey! I’m Emily and I’ve called Hampton Roads my home for my entire life. I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. I’ve been in radio for quite a few years now and love it. I have a son named Leighton and a daughter named Verity. You may hear me call my husband Drew Baby — a nickname that will haunt him forever. I love traveling and exploring with my family so most weekends we are trying to find a new adventure. I’m a huge fan of great restaurants so always reach out if you find a new spot I need to know about! I suffer from a lifelong serious case of FOMO, so if there is something happening in Hampton Roads – I’m there! I’m excited to be part of the BOB team!
Monday-Friday: 10am-3pm

Q&A w/ Emily
Birth date: July 12th
Hometown: Born at DePaul in Norfolk – raised in Chesaepake
Favorite Song Of All Time: Home by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
Hobbies: I am always on the go and hardly get time to just relax. My favorite hobby has to be just spending time with my husband and our littles.
Hidden Talent: I can spin any conversation
Favorite Sports Team: MY Fantasy Football team
Favorite Superhero: The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Favorite Cartoon: Bluey
My Role Model Is: A few people. In every stage of my life I have had the pleasure of meeting some amazing people who push me to be the best me I can be.
Favorite Concert: Tough. I’ve been to so many and they each mean something different to me. It’s too tough to pick just one.
Favorite TV Show: Downton Abbey and/or Versailles.
My Happy Place Is: Anywhere on the water.
Favorite Word: Absolutely!
My Best Halloween Costume was: My risky business costume from college was my all time favorite. I never broke character. “It was great the way her mind worked. No guilt, no doubts, no fear.” -Joel
The Place I Really Want To Visit: Greece
The One Thing That Would Surprise People About Me Is: I struggle at keeping a clean room. I am always put together, but I can’t keep my room together. When it’s too clean it just feels wrong. The rest of my house is always so perfect.
If I Could Only Eat One Meal For The Rest Of My Life It Would Be: Charcuterie board
If I Hit The Lottery I Would: Buy way too many dogs.
I Can’t Get Enough Of: Life. I’m thankful for everyday I’m given.
I Went Into Radio Because: I’m a social butterfly who loves to talk… so radio is the perfect place for me to be.
If I Could Invite 3 People, Dead Or Alive, To A Dinner Party It Would Be: My family: Drew, Leighton, and Verity.